Our First Picture  Found out who Mom and Dad are.
Mackenzie1.JPG (16266 bytes) WuCaiYan2.jpg (47352 bytes)

Our very first picture of Mackenzie received on 17 May 1999.

This updated photo was also received on 25 May 1999.  It looks like someone’s granny knit the vest.  Most families take extra clothes to donate to the orphanages.  Maybe we will see some of the clothes we take when we pick up our second daughter sometime in 2001.

Look Mom it's Me, 25 May 99:

WuCaiYan11.JPG (113304 bytes)

This updated photo was received on 25 May 1999, I’m not sure when it was taken.
It appears she doesn’t fit in the walker because of the pillow behind her.

This page was last updated on February 25, 2012.