July 14, 1999

New picture coming soon.

New picture coming soon.

Here we are waiting in the lobby of the China Hotel, getting ready to start the day, with a visit to the American Consulate in Guangzhou.  This five star hotel is very nice, we have hall monitors who tend to our needs as well as door and elevator people.   In the evening about 6:00 they have classical musicians in the lobby, the kids love it.

Daddy and Mackenzie in the American Consulate office, our interview went very smooth.   CCAI processed about eighteen families through the consulate on this day alone. Raymond, our CCAI guide, commented on how smooth the process went!  I guess there have been bad situations in the past. Thank God for small favors!


July 15, 1999

New picture coming soon.

New picture coming soon.

Tonight nearly eighteen families dined at the JADE restaurant. Although, the food has been ok, I can't wait to get home and have beans, chili and tortillas and a diet Pepsi with ICE!

Mackenzie, asleep after playing with POOH. She is a very good baby and generally only cries if hungry, wet, pooping, or if we aren't giving her our undivided attention. I think we've managed to spoil her after only two weeks.


Returning Home at Long Last

New picture coming soon.

New picture coming soon.

Mackenzie’s first plane ride home was nearly fifteen hours.  We shared the nice big plane seat.

We finally arrived in Los Angeles after waiting in the Guangzhou airport for two hours, fifteen hours in flight, and two hours standing in the immigration line at LAX.  Mackenzie gets her first ride in a car seat.


Returning Home at Long Last

New picture coming soon.

New picture coming soon.

In LA we bunked with my uncle and aunt before going on to Denver-this was a lifesaver.  We had a very nice welcome home dinner with cousins and friends.

My Uncle Jim, Aunt Mary Lou, and cousin Valerie were the first to see our little Mackenzie.

This page was last updated on February 25, 2012.